Landscape Photographers In depth

1. The image shows a woman standing in front of a lake and mountains 
2. I like this image because it shows how small we can be in this massive world
3. A contrast in color
4. Often spends long time sleeping in her car or camping out to get the perfect photo

1. The image is of a red truck that is in the center of the screen and stands out among everthing else
2. It reminds me of tetris which i quite enjoy playing
3. Sideshot
4. In 2017 Kwasi was included on Time Magazine’s list of 12 African American Photographers to Follow and his project, and many more awards.

1. A man buy something from someone from someone else.
2. It reminds me of india
3. Black and White
4. She wrote and directed her first feature film, Little Zizou, a comedy about serious issues, set in her own Parsi community

1. Someone surfing under the northern lights
2. I alwayse wished to visit the norther lights and see the beauty the will soon vanish
3. Darkening and Contrast
4.His visionary perspective has earned him opportunities to work on global, prominent campaigns with Fortune 500 clients, speak on the TED stage, design product lines, educate, and publish a growing collection of books. Along with his team, Burkard is based out of his production studio and art gallery in the Central Coast of California.

1. A forest with a river parting it in black and white
2. You can tell that the pictures is very bright and colorfull even though it is in black and white
3. Black and white
4. His gallery has one of the largest inventories of classic 20th Century photography in the country particularly in humanist photography.

1. A forest of fireflys
2. I alwyased loved dark images that are light up fireflys and I have never seen fireflys and wish to see a lot of them once at least
3. Dark and contrast
4. An artist that paints and shows the beauty of Japan



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