Ansel Adams


  1. Where and when was Ansel Adams born?
    1. San Francisco
    2. Feb, 29 1902
  2. Was Ansel a good student?
    1. He was not and failed many of his classes
  3. How old was Ansel Adams when he first experienced Yosemite?
    1. He was 14 years old when he first experienced it
  4. How long did it take to get to Yosemite from San Francisco? Today it takes about 3-4 hours.
    1. A couple days
  5. Who gave him his first camera and what was it?
    1. His father gave him the Kodak #1 Box Brownie
  6. Which group did Ansel Adams often hike with?
    1. He hiked with the Sierra Club
  7. To what President did Adams take his photographs (book project) in order to persuade him to support King's Canyon as a national park?
    1. President Franklin D Roosevelt 
  8. What photograph is probably one of the most famous photographs in the twentieth century?
    1. Monolith, the Face of Half Dome
  9. He was nearing what age, when the financial security that had eluded him all his life materialized at last?
    1. (did'nt catch it) middle aged
  10. How was Adams honored after he died? 
    1. In his honor, a section of the Sierra Nevada mountains that he loved so much was renamed the Ansel Adams Wilderness


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