Photographing Water

Station 1
fstop: 5.6
Shutter: 1/200
1. Yes because we were able to get a clear and beautiful shot
2. We had to take many photos which took quite a long time

Station 2 
fstop: f/5
Shutter: 1/640
1. Great shots because of how well the colors mixed together 
2. The fact that we had to constantly change the water to get a better shot

Station 3
We were not able to find the photos we took

Station 4
fstop: f/7.1 
Shutter: 1/100
1. It was very dark and we did not get a good shot
2. We used blue and pink but did not show up in the shot 
3. I did'nt like how dark it ended up and how ugly it looked at the end


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