
Showing posts from January, 2023

Shorebreak: Clark Little

  What did Clark do before photography?  Clark Little held a full-time job, and he also surfed in his spare time. What do you like about his work? How unique and fun his photography. I also like just how much he enjoys his work What do you not like about his work? There is nothing that I don't like it just I don't know if I would be able to do it to that level because I don't know If I could ever do that level of surfing. What brand of camera does he use and how does he take it into the water?    10.5, 16, 24 and 50mm Nikon fisheyes Is this a career that you would consider, why/why not? Yes because of how enjoyable it seems to be but I don't know how much I would succeed .

Motion Blur

  Does your image look real, why or why not.  Yes it looks real because it kept its original properties  What was difficult about this process? It was difficult to select the car so that it could keep its shape and it was difficult to select how much of the blur to keep



Action Photos

1. What I liked about this photo is that there is two actions going on at the same time. 1. My hand in my hoodie and 2 me walking. 2. What I like about this photo is that it is a back shot so you can clearly see what direction she is walking too. What I don't like is that it looks like she walking into a wall 3. I like the last phot because the person is going backwards. The reason I dislike the photo is because she is putting the middle finger up so I had to censor it